Нашите услуги

Предлагаме кардиологични услуги в София, със специализация в диагностика и лечение.

Консултации и прегледи
A close-up of a person wearing a white coat and a dark tie, with a stethoscope hanging from the neck. The stethoscope is positioned over the chest area, displaying the brand name 'Littmann' clearly. The coat has a logo on it.
A close-up of a person wearing a white coat and a dark tie, with a stethoscope hanging from the neck. The stethoscope is positioned over the chest area, displaying the brand name 'Littmann' clearly. The coat has a logo on it.

Професионални кардиологични консултации и прегледи за вашето здраве.

A healthcare professional is taking the blood pressure of a seated woman. The healthcare worker is wearing a stethoscope and a floral-patterned shirt, while the patient is wearing a dark shirt and sitting comfortably with her eyes closed. In the background, two women in red uniforms are engaged in conversation. Several pamphlets are visible on the table, suggesting a medical or educational setting.
A healthcare professional is taking the blood pressure of a seated woman. The healthcare worker is wearing a stethoscope and a floral-patterned shirt, while the patient is wearing a dark shirt and sitting comfortably with her eyes closed. In the background, two women in red uniforms are engaged in conversation. Several pamphlets are visible on the table, suggesting a medical or educational setting.
A close-up of a person with a white beard wearing a white coat and a stethoscope around their neck. The focus is on the person's lower face and upper chest.
A close-up of a person with a white beard wearing a white coat and a stethoscope around their neck. The focus is on the person's lower face and upper chest.
Предпазни мерки

Препоръчваме редовни прегледи и здравословен начин на живот.

Специализирани тестове и изследвания.

Диагностика и лечение

Отзиви Клиенти

Прочетете как нашите пациенти оценяват услугите ни.

Посетих кардиолога и останах много доволен от вниманието и професионализма.

Иван Петров
A man wearing sunglasses and a stethoscope stands outdoors, putting on blue gloves, while a woman sits on a porch step nearby, dressed in traditional clothing. The setting appears to be a rural area with old, simple buildings and rustic surroundings.
A man wearing sunglasses and a stethoscope stands outdoors, putting on blue gloves, while a woman sits on a porch step nearby, dressed in traditional clothing. The setting appears to be a rural area with old, simple buildings and rustic surroundings.


Изключително съм доволен от услугите на кардиолога. Професионализмът и вниманието към детайлите са на високо ниво.

A close-up view of a digital medical monitor displaying vital signs including a green electrocardiogram (ECG) line, a yellow respiratory rate line, and numerical values with a red background indicating a concerning level.
A close-up view of a digital medical monitor displaying vital signs including a green electrocardiogram (ECG) line, a yellow respiratory rate line, and numerical values with a red background indicating a concerning level.
Мария Георгиева



Кардиолог София

SEO оптимизация за локален бизнес в София за кардиология.

A person wearing a blue garment is holding a pink stethoscope shaped into a heart. The focus is on their hands and the stethoscope, suggesting a connection to healthcare or caring professions.
A person wearing a blue garment is holding a pink stethoscope shaped into a heart. The focus is on their hands and the stethoscope, suggesting a connection to healthcare or caring professions.
Нашите проекти

Представяме нашите успешни проекти в кардиологията с фокус върху SEO оптимизация за локални бизнеси, които помагат на пациентите в София да намерят правилния специалист.

A stethoscope is arranged on a textured background in the shape of a heart next to a paper cutout of a red heart. The stethoscope's tubing forms a circular loop, with the chest piece near the red heart paper. The background has a stone-like appearance, adding contrast to the black tubing and bright red heart.
A stethoscope is arranged on a textured background in the shape of a heart next to a paper cutout of a red heart. The stethoscope's tubing forms a circular loop, with the chest piece near the red heart paper. The background has a stone-like appearance, adding contrast to the black tubing and bright red heart.

Разнообразни дейности, които включват консултации и диагностика за сърдечно-съдови заболявания, осигурявайки висококачествена медицинска помощ на нашите пациенти в София.