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Имаме удоволствието да ви помогнем с вашите въпроси и запитвания относно кардиологичните услуги в София.





Кардиолог София

Ние предлагаме професионални кардиологични услуги в София, с акцент на качеството и индивидуалния подход към всеки пациент.


ул. Примерна 123, София

Работно време

Пн-Пт 9-17

Отзиви клиенти

Прочетете отзивите на нашите доволни пациенти от София.

Страхотен кардиолог! Получих отлична грижа и внимание в София.

Иван Петров
A neon sign featuring a vibrant red and white illuminated design, depicting hands holding a heart, is displayed in a dimly lit window. Inside, a person is seated behind the glass, partially visible surrounded by the glow of the neon. The background includes urban elements and some potted plants, with text in Cyrillic indicating business hours.
A neon sign featuring a vibrant red and white illuminated design, depicting hands holding a heart, is displayed in a dimly lit window. Inside, a person is seated behind the glass, partially visible surrounded by the glow of the neon. The background includes urban elements and some potted plants, with text in Cyrillic indicating business hours.


Много съм доволен от услугите на кардиолога. Професионално отношение и внимание към детайлите. Препоръчвам на всеки, който търси качествена помощ.

A person wearing a white medical coat and a face mask holds a clipboard and gives a thumbs-up gesture. They have a stethoscope around their neck, and the background is a solid red color.
A person wearing a white medical coat and a face mask holds a clipboard and gives a thumbs-up gesture. They have a stethoscope around their neck, and the background is a solid red color.
Мария Георгиева

